The Metal Mustang Robotics is a high school FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) team from the Blue Valley School District, located in Overland Park, Kansas. Our team is made up of students from all five of the Blue Valley School District High Schools.

Our robotics team competes in FIRST (For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competitions. In FRC, high school students worldwide build a robot in within 6 weeks for the annual competition. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for high school students to explore applications of science and technology, as well as achieving personal growth and learning.

If interested in donating to our non-profit team, please see the “Sponsors” tab.

FRC 2410

What we do

2410 strives to inspire people to try out STEM and increase their knowledge. FIRST provides opportunities for our team to be able to have a team that emphasizes project-based collaboration. FIRST INSPIRES includes an in-depth look at what we do at Metal Mustang Robotics.